Welcome to our article on examples of claim in a sentence. As language learners, we often come across new words and phrases that we may not fully understand. One such word is “claim.” It can be used as a noun, verb, or even as an idiomatic expression. In this article, we will explore different ways in which the word “claim” is used in sentences, along with some useful examples.
Claim in a Sentence

Let’s start by understanding what the word “claim” means. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it can be defined as “a demand for something due (such as an amount of money), an assertion of a right, or a calling to take responsibility.” From this definition, we can see that the word has various meanings depending on how it is used in a sentence. Let’s look at some examples of claim in a sentence:
Claim as a Noun
- The company’s claim to fame is its innovative design.
- She has a valid claim to the inheritance.
- The insurance policy covers claims for accidents.
- The lawyer filed a claim on behalf of his client.
- The homeowner made a claim for damages after the storm.
- The plaintiff’s claim was dismissed by the judge.
- The defendant denied all claims.
- The insurance company settled the claim for a large sum of money.
- The victim filed a wrongful death claim against the driver.
- The company filed a claim for bankruptcy.
In these sentences, “claim” is used as a noun to refer to a statement or demand made by someone. In the first example, the company’s claim is its innovative design, meaning that this is what they are known for. In the second sentence, the person has a valid right to receive an inheritance. The third sentence talks about the different types of claims that are covered by an insurance policy. In the fourth example, the lawyer filed a legal claim on behalf of his client. Similarly, in the remaining sentences, “claim” is used to refer to a statement, demand, or right.
Claim as a Verb
- The company claims to be the largest manufacturer of its product.
- She claims she was born in the United States.
- The lawyer claimed that his client was innocent.
- The politician claimed that he had a plan to solve the country’s problems.
- The witness claimed to have seen the suspect at the scene of the crime.
- The defendant claimed self-defense.
- The insurance company claimed that the policy did not cover the damage.
- The victim claimed that the attack was racially motivated.
- The company claimed that the product was safe and effective.
- The inventor claimed to have created a perpetual motion machine.
In these sentences, “claim” is used as a verb to assert the truth of something or demand ownership of something. In the first sentence, the company asserts that it is the largest manufacturer of its product. In the second sentence, the person is stating that they were born in the United States. Similarly, in the rest of the sentences, “claim” is used to assert or demand ownership or truth.
Idiomatic Expression – Stake a Claim
- The company staked a claim to the new market.
- He staked his claim to the land by building a fence around it.
- She staked her claim to the job by submitting a strong application.
- The young couple staked their claim on the beach by putting up an umbrella and chairs.
The idiom “stake a claim” means to assert one’s ownership or right to something. In these sentences, the phrase is used in different contexts, such as claiming a new market, staking ownership over land, or asserting one’s right to a job. The last sentence is a more literal use of the idiom, where the couple physically claims their spot on the beach.
Claim in a Sentence Examples
Now that we have looked at different ways in which the word “claim” is used in sentences, let’s explore some more examples to better understand its usage.
Claim in Literature
- “It is said there are flowers that bloom only once in a hundred years. Why should there not be some that bloom once in a thousand, in ten thousand years? Perhaps we never know about them simply because this “once in a thousand years” has come today!” – Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
In this quote, the word “claim” is used in the context of destiny or fate. The protagonist believes that certain events can only happen once in a lifetime, and it is their destiny that it happened now.
- “I claim you, Margaret, as my own.” – Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South
In this sentence, the word “claim” is used in a romantic context to express ownership over someone or declare their love for them.
- “Jamal must decide whether he will claim his heritage as a Black American and take pride in it.” – Malala Yousafzai, I Am Malala
In this quote, the word “claim” is used to represent accepting one’s identity and being proud of it.
Claim in Everyday English
- “Please fill out this form to submit your insurance claim.”
- “He kept claiming that he was innocent, but the evidence proved otherwise.”
- “She staked her claim to the prime spot by arriving early and setting up her picnic blanket.”
In these examples, the word “claim” is used in everyday language. In the first sentence, it refers to making a demand for insurance coverage. In the second sentence, it means to assert or insist on something, and in the third sentence, it is used idiomatically to stake ownership over a physical space.

In conclusion, we have explored different ways in which the word “claim” is used in sentences. From its various meanings as a noun, verb, and idiomatic expression, we can see that the word is versatile and can be used in various contexts. By looking at examples from literature and everyday English, we can understand how this word can be used to express ownership, assert a truth, or demand something. We hope this article has given you a better understanding of the word “claim” and how it is used in sentences. Keep exploring and learning new words and phrases, and soon you will have a vast vocabulary at your disposal.