Claiming Jupiter Airdrop

The Jupiter Airdrop has been making waves in the cryptocurrency community, with many eagerly anticipating the distribution of JUP tokens in 2023. This airdrop presents a unique opportunity to acquire a significant amount of tokens and become part of the growing Jupiter ecosystem. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into all aspects of the Jupiter Airdrop, including eligibility, allocation, claiming instructions, and insights into the Jupiter Exchange platform.

Determining Jupiter Airdrop Eligibility

Claiming Jupiter Airdrop

To be eligible for the Jupiter Airdrop, there are three main criteria that must be met:

  1. Held SOL tokens on a supported wallet or exchange on March 15, 2022 (Snapshot Date)
  2. Participated in the Jupiter Public Beta Program by completing at least one trade before April 27, 2022
  3. Owned at least 0.1 SOL at the time of the snapshot

If you meet these requirements, then congratulations, you are eligible to receive the Jupiter Airdrop! However, it is essential to note that there may be additional criteria set by the Jupiter team, so it is crucial to stay updated on any changes or announcements.

Supported Wallets and Exchanges

Jupiter Airdrop will only be distributed to wallets and exchanges that support the SOL token. Some popular options include Sollet, Solflare, and Ledger Nano S. It is recommended to do your research and choose a reputable and secure wallet or exchange to ensure the safety of your tokens.

Participating in the Jupiter Public Beta Program

One of the prerequisites for receiving the Jupiter Airdrop is participating in the Jupiter Public Beta Program. This program allowed users to test out the features of the Jupiter Exchange platform before its official launch. To be considered for the airdrop, users had to complete at least one trade on the Jupiter Exchange before the specified date.

Minimum SOL Requirement

Another critical factor for determining eligibility is owning at least 0.1 SOL at the time of the snapshot. This ensures that users who hold a significant amount of SOL have a fair chance of receiving a higher allocation of JUP tokens.

Understanding Jupiter Airdrop Allocation

Claiming Jupiter Airdrop

The Jupiter Airdrop will distribute a total of 100 million JUP tokens, with 80% going to SOL holders and 20% to participants in the Jupiter Public Beta Program. Here is a breakdown of how the airdrop will be allocated:

SOL Holders Allocation

SOL holders will receive 80 million JUP tokens, which makes up the majority of the airdrop distribution. This allocation will be based on the amount of SOL held at the snapshot date, with the more SOL you hold, the higher your share of JUP tokens.

Jupiter Public Beta Participants Allocation

For those who participated in the Jupiter Public Beta Program, 20 million JUP tokens will be distributed. This amount will be divided among all eligible participants, with each user receiving a proportionate share based on their trading activity during the beta program.

 Important Dates for the Jupiter Airdrop

Here are the essential dates to keep in mind for the Jupiter Airdrop:

  • Snapshot Date: March 15, 2022
  • Completion of Jupiter Public Beta Program: April 27, 2022
  • Airdrop Distribution: Scheduled for 2023 (exact date to be announced)

It is crucial to mark these dates in your calendar and stay updated on any changes or announcements made by the Jupiter team.

Current Price of Jupiter Airdrop Tokens

As the Jupiter Airdrop is scheduled for 2023, there is currently no official price for JUP tokens. However, it is expected that the value of JUP tokens will increase as the demand for them grows, making this airdrop a potentially lucrative opportunity for investors.

Overview of Jupiter Exchange Platform

Jupiter Exchange is a decentralized platform built on the Solana blockchain. It aims to provide traders with a fast, secure, and low-cost way to trade digital assets. The platform offers a wide range of features, including spot trading, margin trading, and staking, making it an attractive option for both beginner and experienced traders.

Spot Trading

Spot trading on Jupiter Exchange allows users to buy and sell digital assets at their current market price. This feature supports a variety of cryptocurrencies, providing users with a diverse selection to choose from.

Margin Trading

Margin trading is a feature that enables users to trade with borrowed funds, allowing for greater leverage and potential profits. However, it is important to note the risks involved in margin trading and to use this feature carefully.


Staking on Jupiter Exchange allows users to earn passive income by locking their assets and helping to secure the network. In return, users will receive rewards in the form of JUP tokens, making it an attractive option for long-term investors.

Steps to Receive Jupiter Token Airdrop

Once the airdrop distribution begins, eligible users can follow these steps to claim their JUP tokens:

  1. Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria outlined by the Jupiter team.
  2. Keep your SOL tokens in a supported wallet or exchange on the snapshot date (March 15, 2022).
  3. Participate in the Jupiter Public Beta Program by completing at least one trade before April 27, 2022.
  4. Wait for the official announcement of the airdrop distribution date.
  5. Once the distribution begins, check your wallet or exchange for the received JUP tokens.
  6. If you do not receive the tokens, you can use the Jupiter Airdrop Checker tool (more information on this below).

Using Jupiter Airdrop Checker Tool

The Jupiter team has developed an Airdrop Checker tool that can be used to check if you are eligible for the airdrop and the amount of JUP tokens you will receive. Here is how to use this tool:

  1. Go to the Jupiter Airdrop Checker website.
  2. Connect your SOL wallet or paste your SOL address in the designated field.
  3. The tool will automatically check your eligibility and calculate your expected share of JUP tokens.

Insights into Jupiter Airdrop on Solana Network

Claiming Jupiter Airdrop

The Jupiter Airdrop will be distributed on the Solana network, one of the fastest-growing blockchain ecosystems in the crypto space. This network boasts a high throughput of 65,000 transactions per second and low transaction fees, making it a popular choice among traders and developers alike.

Additionally, the Solana network has gained significant attention from prominent institutions and investors, which may increase the demand for JUP tokens and contribute to its potential growth in value.


The Jupiter Airdrop presents an exciting opportunity for traders and investors to acquire a significant amount of JUP tokens. By meeting the eligibility criteria and following the necessary steps, you can claim your share of the airdrop and become part of the growing Jupiter ecosystem. Additionally, the Jupiter Exchange platform offers a range of features that make it a promising option for trading digital assets. Keep yourself updated on the important dates and announcements from the Jupiter team, and get ready to claim your JUP tokens in 2023.

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