In a complex network, understanding the relationship between different nodes is crucial. The degree assortativity coefficient helps identify the tendency of nodes with high or low degrees to connect with similar or dissimilar nodes. This concept is based on the fundamental idea that nodes in a network tend to form connections with other nodes that exhibit similar characteristics. Calculating and interpreting the degree assortativity coefficient can provide valuable insights into the structure and dynamics of a network. In this article, we will explore the degree assortativity coefficient in depth, its calculation in NetworkX, and its significance in network analysis.
Understanding Degree Assortativity

Before delving into the technicalities of calculating the degree assortativity coefficient, it is essential to understand the concept itself. Degree assortativity is a measure of the correlation between the degrees of connected nodes in a network. It quantifies the tendency of nodes with similar degrees to be connected to each other. This measure assumes that nodes with similar characteristics tend to form connections, while nodes with different characteristics are less likely to be connected.
Degree assortativity can be used to analyze various types of networks, including social networks, biological networks, and technological networks. It is particularly useful for studying the structure of social networks, where individuals tend to form connections with others who share similar traits or interests. Similarly, in biological networks, nodes with similar functions or properties tend to interact with each other. In technological networks, such as the internet, highly connected nodes (e.g., routers) are more likely to be connected to other highly connected nodes.
The degree assortativity coefficient is a numerical value that ranges from -1 to 1. A value of 0 indicates no correlation between the degrees of connected nodes, while positive and negative values indicate assortative and disassortative mixing, respectively. Let’s take a closer look at the equation used to calculate the degree assortativity coefficient.
Calculating Degree Assortativity in NetworkX
NetworkX is a popular Python package for network analysis. It provides a wide range of tools and algorithms for creating, manipulating, and analyzing network data. To calculate the degree assortativity coefficient in NetworkX, you can use the following function:
import networkx as nx
# Define the network
G = nx.Graph()
# Add nodes and edges
G.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9)])
# Calculate degree assortativity coefficient
assortativity_coefficient = nx.degree_assortativity_coefficient(G)
The degree_assortativity_coefficient()
function takes a network object (G
) as its input and returns a numerical value representing the degree assortativity coefficient (r). This value can range from -1 to 1, with higher values indicating stronger assortative mixing. Let’s explore this measure in more detail.
Degree Assortativity Coefficient Explained

As mentioned earlier, the degree assortativity coefficient (r) measures the correlation between the degrees of connected nodes in a network. The calculation of this coefficient involves comparing the actual degrees of connected nodes with the expected degrees if the network were randomly connected. In other words, it compares the observed distribution of node degrees with the expected distribution under random mixing.
The equation used to calculate the degree assortativity coefficient (r) is as follows:
is the number of edges in the network.j
represent the degrees of the nodes at either end of an edge.E[jk]
is the expected number of edges between nodes with degreesj
if the network were randomly connected.
If the network were randomly connected, we would expect the connection between any two nodes to be determined solely by their degrees. The expected number of edges between nodes with degrees j
and k
can be calculated as follows:
is the degree distribution of the network.N
is the total number of nodes in the network.
Based on these equations, we can see that the degree assortativity coefficient (r) is essentially a comparison between the actual distribution of node degrees (represented by jk
) and the expected distribution under random mixing (represented by E[jk]
). A positive value for r
indicates that the network is assortatively mixed, while a negative value indicates disassortative mixing.
Examples of Degree Assortativity Coefficient
Let’s look at a few examples to better understand the degree assortativity coefficient. Consider a social network where individuals are connected based on their shared interests. In this case, we would expect highly connected individuals (e.g., influencers or opinion leaders) to connect with other highly connected individuals, resulting in a positive degree assortativity coefficient. On the other hand, in a network where individuals are connected based on opposing opinions, we would expect high-degree individuals to connect with low-degree individuals, resulting in a negative degree assortativity coefficient.
In another example, let’s consider a food web where species are connected based on prey-predator relationships. In this network, species with similar feeding habits or trophic levels would be more likely to connect, resulting in a positive degree assortativity coefficient. Species with different feeding habits or trophic levels would be less likely to form connections, resulting in a negative degree assortativity coefficient.
Exploring Degree Assortativity in Networks
Now that we have a better understanding of the degree assortativity coefficient, let’s explore its significance in network analysis. This measure can provide valuable insights into the structure and dynamics of a network. Here are some key takeaways:
- Community detection: The degree assortativity coefficient can be used to identify communities within a network. Communities are groups of nodes that are more densely connected to each other than to nodes outside the community. In assortative networks, communities are characterized by high-degree nodes connecting with other high-degree nodes, while in disassortative networks, communities are characterized by high-degree nodes connecting with low-degree nodes.
- Network resilience: The degree assortativity coefficient can also indicate the resilience of a network to targeted attacks. In assortative networks, removing high-degree nodes can significantly disrupt the network, as these nodes play a crucial role in connecting different parts of the network. In contrast, in disassortative networks, the removal of high-degree nodes may not have as big an impact, as these nodes tend to connect to other low-degree nodes rather than high-degree ones.
- Disease spread: The degree assortativity coefficient can also be useful in understanding the spread of infectious diseases in a population. In assortative networks, highly connected individuals are more likely to contract and spread diseases, making the entire network susceptible to outbreaks. In contrast, in disassortative networks, diseases may have a harder time spreading, as they are less likely to reach the highly connected individuals.
- Finding influential nodes: Finally, the degree assortativity coefficient can help identify influential nodes in a network. In assortative networks, highly connected nodes are more likely to have connections with other highly connected nodes, making them powerful influencers. In disassortative networks, influential nodes may be those connecting different groups of low-degree nodes.
Distinguished Degree and Its Significance
The concept of the distinguished degree plays an important role in interpreting the degree assortativity coefficient. The distinguished degree is the average degree of all nodes that are connected to high-degree nodes. It can also be interpreted as the average degree of the high-degree nodes themselves. Similarly, we can calculate the average degree of nodes connected to low-degree nodes, known as the nondistinguished degree.
The relationship between the distinguished degree and the nondistinguished degree provides valuable information about the network’s structure. If the distinguished degree is higher than the nondistinguished degree, it indicates assortative mixing, as high-degree nodes tend to connect with other high-degree nodes. In contrast, if the nondistinguished degree is higher, it suggests disassortative mixing, as high-degree nodes tend to connect more with low-degree nodes.
Another way to interpret the distinguished degree is by comparing it with the average degree of the entire network. If the distinguished degree is significantly higher than the average degree, it indicates the presence of hubs or highly connected nodes in the network. These hubs play a crucial role in connecting various parts of the network and influencing its overall structure and dynamics.
Degree Assortativity Coefficient in Depth
So far, we have discussed the degree assortativity coefficient in the context of undirected networks. However, this measure can also be applied to directed networks, where we consider the in-degree (number of incoming edges) and out-degree (number of outgoing edges) of nodes separately. In this case, the degree assortativity coefficient can take on four possible values:
- r = -1: Indicates anti-assortative mixing, with nodes of high in-degree connecting to nodes of low out-degree, and vice versa.
- r = 0: No assortativity or disassortativity exists between the in-degree and out-degree of connected nodes.
- r > 0: Nodes with high in-degree tend to connect with other high in-degree nodes, while nodes with low in-degree tend to connect with other low in-degree nodes.
- r < 0: High in-degree nodes tend to connect more with low in-degree nodes, and vice versa.
In directed networks, the degree assortativity coefficient can provide insights into the flow of information, resources, or influence among nodes. For example, in a social media network, a positive r value would indicate that individuals with more followers (high in-degree) tend to follow other popular individuals (high in-degree). In contrast, a negative r value would suggest that individuals with many followers tend to follow less popular individuals (low in-degree).
Degree assortativity is a crucial concept in understanding the relationships between nodes in a complex network. The degree assortativity coefficient serves as a useful measure for quantifying this relationship and can provide valuable insights into the structure and dynamics of a network. By calculating this coefficient in NetworkX and exploring its significance in various types of networks, we can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying patterns and tendencies in a network. Whether studying social networks, biological networks, or technological networks, the degree assortativity coefficient is a powerful tool for uncovering hidden relationships between nodes and predicting the behavior of a network.